Gardendale Neighborhood Association

203 Drave Ave. R5 to R3 Zoning change

Regarding ZONING CASE Z-2023-10700357. The following is a letter of support we sent in on behalf of Collins Garden Neighborhood Association:

In Gardendale, we know all too well first hand of the effects of what mixed zoning for a once residential area has done to change the character, and it isn’t pretty.

We fully support Collins Garden vote to keep 203 Drake as an R5 zone, and furthermore express our hope that the zoning commissioners will understand the wishes of the people they represent.

Cutting a single plot of land into two plots, and selling each property for up to $320k, for a total of $640k, is pure greed.

The developer has no interest in the community, no benefit to give, no care about alternate options that would appease the actual invested people of Collins Garden. At least I saw none displayed from him during the zoning meeting and none during the Neighborhood meeting either which I attended on 4/09/2024.

District 5 Derek Tulowitzky seemed to be assisting the developer quite a lot, but he also works for District 5 Teri Castillo, who was voted in by the people. There seems to be a conflict of interest if the D5 Zoning planner is more concerned with the developer than the needs and wishes of the people. And this isn’t the only time we’ve witnessed this lately, case in point 834 Leal St.

Collins Garden won their Zoning Case. Chalk one up for the people standing together to make sure that those that are supposed to be working for the city, also known as THE PEOPLE IN THE CITY, are following through with the best interests for the city based on the wishes of the people they serve.